■1804 / ) |
Re[1]: Your music
□投稿者/ abfuku -(2005/05/08(Sun) 01:46:03)
| Hello. My name is ABFUKU. (Since English is Poor, translation engine is used.) Thank you for listening my musics! Even an overseas man can hear it and it is deep emotion. The taken-up music is also my favorite. Thank you!
I am also making the music of two free games below. Please play, if very well. http://www.kit.hi-ho.ne.jp/zapzap/ "WINGED GEAR" and "WINGLANCER" in "download page".
By the way, I was allowed to listen to "Eclipse of Mars." It is wonderful! It will be a high quality very. And it is in agreement with liking of my music. Many do not see a thing like this on the game music community in Japan. It is great! I also want to have come to hear these all very much. Try a Web site order on that after this. Thank you!