KEYBOARDMANIA2000/03/05 ─ [ジャンル]難易度 曲名 ─ #01[R&B] N1R2 All the love #02[B3-H..] N3R4 BURNIN' #03[Prog..] N4R6 Armajiro #04[50'S] N3R4 Shake! #05[Cath..] N4R6 Henry Henry #06[Dream] N2R3 Fairy Tale #07[Love..] N2R2 My Love #08[Tren..] N3R5 Dicky's Theme #09[Retr..] N1R4 Brain child #10[Goa ..] N2R5 THE 24TH D #11[Mixe..] N2R3 Confusion #12[DETUNE] N4R6 MR.C.C. #13[K-Cl..] N4R4 MORNING MUSIC #14[Maxi..] N3R4 Mighty Guy #15[Hip ..] N2R4 Kimi ni ai ni .. #16[Maes..] N3R3 Pf Concert No.2 #17[Swee..] N4R5 Let's go back .. #18[A.O...] N5R6 Keyboard Man #19[Hi ..] N4R5 CRISIS OF LOVE #20[Sty..] N1R3 Shining Dream #21[Str..] N1R2 shiritori ─ [戻る|Toppage=]